Witham Dramatic Club
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Play Listing
60 years of productions
Club History
From the 40's until today
Box Office
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Welcome to the Witham Dramatic Club Website.
We are a friendly amateur theatre company based in Witham, Essex, that enjoys providing entertainment to others. We stage three productions a year at the town's Public Hall, normally in March, June and November. But it's not just about getting your name up in lights. Although everybody gets a chance to capture their bit of the limelight there are many different aspects to putting on a production. Just some of these are:

  • Directing
  • Properties
  • Make Up
  • Design
  • Costumes
  • Sound
  • Lighting
  • Scenery Painting
  • Front of House

Mailing List

To make sure you are kept up to date with all our productions why not join our free emailing list? Simply click here and complete the online form.


Our Next Production

The Girl On The Train

Our next production will be The Girl On The Train, based on the novel by Paula Hawkins.

The play will be on stage very soon. To find out more go to our Productions page.

Our Last Production

Home, I'm Darling

We always knew this was going to be a challenging play to stage and we also knew that providing people came to see it they would enjoy it, but getting an audience for an unknown play by a fairly unknown writer is never easy. In the end we needn't have worried and we played to good houses throughout the run. Go to productions to find out more.

Full Production Listing Available

We have a complete listing of all our past productions online, giving the year, title, author, director and notes about the show. Where appropriate there is also a link to the gallery page for the play. We still have just one or two gaps which we hope to fill in as soon as possible. If you're a long-standing supporter or used to be a member in our early years perhaps you can help. To view the archive click on 'Play Listing' above, or just click here.

[ maintained by Black Tor Consulting ]